Tuesday, October 31, 2017

200 Items Or Less: Re-Animator (1985)

A few thoughts: One of the three great zombie movies of 1985 (AKA one of the best ever years for film), Re-Animator doesn't go as much for comedy as 'Return Of The Living Dead', social/political commentary as 'Day Of The Dead', but instead goes into body horror territory. With its re-purposed 'Psycho' soundtrack, gory violence, neon hypodermics, and an amazing performance by Jeffrey Combs, this Stuart Gordon directed splatter Frankenstein-esque (loose) adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's work is an entertaining and over-the-top horror movie never slows down. Entertaining in some of the most macabre ways, this movie breaks down all sorts of expectations and offers up some awesomely gooey visuals that will make any body horror fan happy. As I've mentioned before on this post as well as others before, I am a pretty big fan of Combs and his performance here, a perfectly exaggerated bit of acting that balances genius with madness in a hilarious and still somewhat grounded way, but there is much more to this movie than just him. It's fantastic all the way through.

Who would I recommend it to? People who enjoy lots of gore and violence and a good bit of humor in their horror. If you're squeamish, stay far, far away.

My grade: A-

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