Saturday, December 23, 2017

200 Items Or Less: Leprechaun (1993)

A few thoughts: A totally harmless and mildly amusing sort-of slasher centered around Warwick Davis as an evil leprechaun bent on getting back his gold. Yes, it's a pretty terrible movie in a lot of ways, but it has no problem letting itself be intentionally silly and fun. It isn't really a parody, as it does try to be somewhat serious with the scary scenes (somehow), so it plays a lot like some of the cornier Stephen King films, like 'Pet Sematary'. I'm not sure who the target audience was, as it's too childish and goofy for most adults, but it's rated R, making it hard for kids to even watch it. Regardless, it may have been a misfire in a lot of ways, but I find it to be entertaining enough. Jennifer Aniston started here, so it's fun to see her back before even Friends, and of course Warwick Davis steals the show. He isn't particularly creepy nor is he gut-bustingly funny, but he brings so much wacky charm to this role, it's hard not to just love having him on-screen. This isn't a classic or anything, but it's (sadly) one of the more fun '90s horror movies.

Who would I recommend it to? People who are horror lightweights that can't handle much gore or actual scares. It's pretty easy to sit down and enjoy for its humor without ever being creepy.

My grade: C

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