Sunday, December 10, 2017

200 Items Or Less: Bad Taste (1987)

A few thoughts: The feature film debut of acclaimed director Peter Jackson, who later went on to make some of the biggest epics of the 2000s with the Lord Of The Rings trilogy and King Kong. And honestly, as much as I love the crap out of his Lord Of The Rings, I wish he'd continued making films like this bit of trash for a while longer, because he had an eye for the absurd and knew how to handle practical effects in the most ludicrously entertaining ways possible. Largely lacking in dialogue and actual performances in the traditional sense, most of the appeal with this film comes from the slapstick moments and exaggerated gore. Jackson pulls double duty as not only director (and writer, along with other stuff like that), but two of the main characters as well. So, I guess, more like quintuple duty. Either way it's fairly evident from his hilarious performances that he not only knew the tone he was going for, but was pretty much the sole contributor from a creative perspective. I love it, therefore you should love it, too.

Who would I recommend it to? Only fans of absurdly dark and disgusting sci/fi horror comedy could appreciate this. It isn't "good", but it's a ton of fun.

My grade: B+

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