Thursday, April 5, 2018

200 Items Or Less: Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels (1998)

A few thoughts: I'm not a big Guy Ritchie fan (then again, how many people really are?) but had he stuck with making low budget action comedies like this I probably would view him in a much more favorable light. Visually very stylish and experimental, Guy Ritchie was clearly at his most creative before he fell into the bigger budget material he's worked on more recently. Pair that with a pretty screwy sense of humor and a pretty great ensemble of then-unknown Brits, and you've got yourself something memorable. A fringe member of a class of late '90s to early '00s movies I put in the "edgy teen playlist", this movie has the look and feel of something that was always bound to become either a surprise box office hit, or a cult classic. As it turns out, it's kind of a bit of both. If you enjoy solid action, funny dialogue, and an overall distinct visual style, this is a good movie for you.

Who would I recommend it to? People who like Snatch, Trainspotting, Boondocks Saints-esque movies.

My grade: C+

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