Sunday, January 21, 2018

200 Items Or Less - A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)

A few thoughts: A surprisingly fun and creative movie (why am I ever surprised by this series?) that amps up the one-liners, set pieces, crazy kills, and all the other fun stuff in the Elm Street movies. Also, it replaces Patricia Arquette with someone who is still weak, but doesn't make me irritated! What a wonderful movie. This movie also features one of the single greatest moments in the entire franchise, giving Freddy one hell of an entrance. I went into detail about this scene in my 5 favorite things post about it, but I still feel it deserves mentioning. I love watching this movie, and I'm totally not ashamed to admit this, as it is incredibly fun in pretty much every way. As far as Elm Street goes, this movie hits all the right notes, branching into absurd and visually stunning material at all the appropriate times. As is always the case, Robert Englund is awesome in this, but instead of being particularly creepy, this movie gives him tons of quips and a whole ton of goofy material that balances the two key components to his character: humor and creative killing. Sure, it's not a perfect movie, but it's a great Elm Street movie, and one of my favorites in the series.

Who would I recommend it to? People who like fun horror/slasher movies. Funny, violent, and endlessly rewatchable.

My grade: B

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