Thursday, November 9, 2017

200 Items Or Less: Beyond Re-Animator (2003)

A few thoughts: The third and final (?) entry in the Combs-starring Re-Animator series, 'Beyond' is definitely the most unique -- for better or worse. Set almost entirely in a prison, the plot doesn't give Dr. Herbert West total free reign as in the previous films, but with the way the plot moves along it's hard to remember he's incarcerated at all. There's plenty of funny and goofy moments here, and Combs is his usual wonderful self, but I still found myself wishing I was watching the original instead. The gore effects are fun and sometimes pretty awesome, and the acting is mostly pretty weak, but you don't watch a movie like this for the acting. Combs is more than enough on his own, but you also have the Warden, who does some pretty great stuff in the final act. As the end of a sort-of trilogy, this isn't a disappointment, but part of me does wish they'd followed it up with something better. Fun, but forgettable. Oh, and don't forget to stay through the beginning of the credits -- it's...definitely something.

Who would I recommend it to? Only fans of the previous films would be interested or likely to enjoy this one. It's the weakest of the three, but still good fun.

My grade: C-

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