Monday, May 25, 2020

A few words on Underwater (2020)

Underwater, d. William Eubank

I'm not a Kristen Stewart fan, in spite of the fact that I respect the attempts she's made as an actress to embrace smaller, independent projects (much like her Twilight co-star, who has done this same thing only much better). That being said, I was still willing to give this movie a chance, due to it looking like a Lovecraftian aquatic horror/thriller that might be halfway decent. If a 6/10 is decent, then this did indeed live up to being "halfway" decent.

I pretty much checked out by the midway point of this film, not caring about the characters, not being given enough time to understand who they were and how they interacted with each other before the main disaster aspect of the movie was shoved in. Within 5 minutes the movie feels like it's passed the 30 minute mark, and doesn't really progress from there until the last third. So there's over an hour that just stagnates, and I simply did not give a crap.

Maybe this has an audience, but I like a little more story/character development and not just generic '90s style sci-fi/thriller creature fodder. Also the CG on the monsters was pretty bad, which just pushed it over the edge. Not recommended.


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