Saturday, May 30, 2020

A few words on Sonic The Hedgehog (2020)

Sonic The Hedgehog, d. Jeff Fowler

Maybe if I had never seen a movie before - or at least never seen a fish-out-of-water Thor-like movie before - I would have enjoyed this. Or at least not found it cheap, obvious, annoying, and lazy. But I have seen movies before, so I just can't see what everyone is praising about this. It's one of the most generic movies I've seen in a long time.

Jim Carrey actually tries here, which I will give him credit for, but never having been a big fan of his comedic efforts, I can't say I found this performance amusing in any way. But I can see others laughing sporadically at his mugging, I suppose. People liked Mask, after all.

Sonic is pretty annoying himself, doing that idiotic flossing dance thing multiple times, just as an example of how instantly dated and desperate this whole thing is. Jean-Ralphio from Parks And Rec does his voice, which explains a lot.

I probably would have liked it more had they not updated the CG, and just released the movie looking like that hellish abomination we saw in the earliest trailers. At least then it might have been accidentally funny, in a Cats sort of way. Then again, it might have just been like Cats. That would've been torture...again. I take it back. This wasn't good, but at least it wasn't Cats.


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