Monday, February 17, 2020

200 Items Or Less: Stepfather II (1989)

A few thoughts: The first Stepfather movie was pretty great and cut through a lot of the fat that would have bogged it down in order to focus on the main point of the story. This sequel, as passable as it may be, is proof of why the choices made in the first one were indeed the right ones. Terry O'Quinn is back, with the movie taking place very shortly after the events of the previous one, and chronicles his escape from the mental institution he was being held in, his relocation to a new town, and the speedy but meticulous trap he lays into place to ensnare an eligible new bride. Thee are moments in this movie where you might forget your watching a deranged killer, and thanks to the performance by O'Quinn, you really are able to see just why he's capable of tricking lonely women into falling for him. Much less disturbing and intense than the last time around, O'Quinn still dials up the crazy when needed, even though the script doesn't give him many opportunities to go fully unhinged. It's a decent movie that's paced well, has a strong lead, and works as an adequate sequel to the original.

Who would I recommend it to? Fans of the first Stepfather might enjoy this slightly more mellow sequel.

My grade: C

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