Saturday, February 15, 2020

200 Items Or Less: Event Horizon (1997)

A few thoughts: I've watched this probably 3 or 4 times over the years, but it wasn't until this most recent viewing that I could finally say I really dig this movie. With incredible set design, mostly impressive visual effects, a very dark screenplay full of terrifying concepts that blend deep space with spiritual themes, and a handful of strong performances, this Paul W.S. Anderson sci-fi/horror can be a tad corny at times but does a great job at blending these genres to create an unsettling and moody atmosphere. There's some truly impressive set design and use of lighting in this movie, so even when things get a little confusing and convoluted, the look of the movie alone should be enough to keep you sucked in. Visually and narratively, this movie feels like a sort of midway point between Alien and Hellraiser, which can be seen as nothing less than a compliment coming from me. I don't know why it took me this long to come around on this movie, but now I can say I'm a fan and look forward to seeing how much more I'll like it the next time around.

Who would I recommend it to? Fans of sci-fi/horror should definitely check this out.

My grade: B

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