Tuesday, August 21, 2018

200 Items Or Less: Death And Cremation (2010)

A few thoughts: It became evident right away during this movie that it wouldn't be the quality of its production nor performances by (most of) the main cast that would make it worth watching. No, it's fairly clear that there is one reason alone that this movie exists or is it at all enjoyable: Brad Dourif. One of my favorite quirky nutcase character actors, and while this is not exactly career-defining material, he proves once again that regardless of the role or quality of the movie or show he appears in, he always brings his A-game. Now that that's out of the way, I feel the plot and production needs to be addressed. This is a very standard revenge horror story blended with an awkward teen outsider drama, meeting right in the middle. It's simple, but it works. The sound design is uneven and horrible, and visually it's very obviously cheap. This isn't an impressive movie, regardless of the budget. With substandard acting and an especially awful performance by the police officer who shall remain nameless, this is a pretty cheap production in virtually every way.

Who would I recommend it to? Only fans of Brad Dourif should even bother, but I can see it becoming a mild cult success.

My grade: D+

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