Thursday, September 28, 2017

200 Items Or Less: Q - The Winged Serpent (1982)

A few thoughts: There are few types of movies I hate more than the kind that don't deliver on a promise. With a title like this and with a supposed decent amount of emphasis on the titular winged serpent, I felt terribly lied to when I watched this movie and found myself bored to oblivion with a focus on a lead character with some kind of speech impediment and relatively little fun monster action. This was meant to be the movie that helped me to decide whether or not I liked Larry Cohen. Turns out I don't like him. The acting in this movie is really rough, with a lead character who is barely ever understandable and seems to have flunked out from the Al Pacino school of acting, where you're taught that screaming = good acting. He was an annoying menace in a movie I already wasn't enjoying. The pacing is awful, at just over 80 minutes I felt like I was watching it for hours. The only reason I'm not giving this movie an 'F' is because I liked the winged serpent itself -- but its lack of screentime made waiting for it to show up all the more tedious. Lousy movie.

Who would I recommend it to? Only the most dedicated of cult fans. If you love Larry Cohen movies, you might enjoy it.

My grade: D-

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