Saturday, June 6, 2020

A few words on Come To Daddy (2020)

Come To Daddy, d. Ant Timpson

Elijah Wood has had a very interesting career over the last 10 years or so, and while this isn't the best project he's been involved in, it's definitely a good example of the bizarre sort of tone his movies generally seem to take on. Although I guessed the "twist" within the first 5 minutes, this isn't the kind of movie that relies on twists. In fact, by halfway through the movie had taken such an entirely different course of action, I had no idea what to expect from the rest of it.

Equal parts comedy, thriller, horror, suspense, mystery, and drama, this is a chaotic and in-your-face movie that will probably be too abrasive and crass for most people, but to people like me who openly love trash like The Greasy Strangler, there's a lot to enjoy here. It's no classic, but Wood does a good job, and Stephen McHattie is pretty wonderful. A worthwhile B-movie with a very twisted sense of humor.


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