Saturday, July 6, 2019

200 Items Or Less: The Thing (1982)

A few thoughts: One of those instances where I really have nothing new to add to the conversation, but I love this movie and feel it deserves every voice available to join in the chorus of praise. As much as I enjoy the 1951 version, John Carpenter's vision is very obviously superior, amping up the tension and paranoia by making the monster into a shape-shifter. The practical effects here are some of the best of all time, and the fact they were done on such a modest budget, and in some cases with serious time restraints, just proves once again how much better they are (and how much better they hold up over time) than CG. The cast is terrific, with Kurt Russell and Keith David in particular giving some of the best performances of their respective careers. The music is awesome, the setting is isolated and atmospheric, the acting and effects are amazing... There's really nothing about this movie that doesn't work. It may not be the greatest horror or science fiction film of all time, but it's damn close.

Who would I recommend it to? Anyone with an appreciation for sci-fi, horror, body horror, or just great filmmaking in general.

My grade: A

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