The '90s brought us a lot of great movies filled with great performances by great actors shot by great cinematographers written by great writers and directed by great directors. To put it simply, the '90s were alright. But seriously, this was a good decade for movies, and there were a crapload of great performances to be found in them. And sometimes they were even in extremely popular movies surrounded by acclaimed performances. The Silence of the Lambs, for example, won Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster Oscars, while Ted Levine walked away totally empty-handed, despite possibly giving the best performance in the film. So, instead of focusing on the "best" performances of the decade, I would rather take a look at the ones that never seemed to get enough attention. No, this isn't just a list dedicated to the poor "other guys" in movies that people love, but just focusing on performances that stand out to me, despite not quite earning the attention or acclaim I feel they deserve. So here they are, my picks for the most underrated and overlooked performances of the 1990s. Oh, and I have decided to leave Ted Levine off this list, because spoilers. Sorry dude, you aren't allowed to win anything. EVER.
10. Nicolas Cage - Deadfall