Saturday, June 6, 2020

A few words on The Vast Of Night (2020)

The Vast Of Night, d. Andrew Patterson

I was wondering when it might happen, but with The Vast Of Night I've already found the first great film of the decade. A well-paced sci-fi mystery with great performances, fast and engaging dialogue, smooth cinematography, and a surprising lack of nostalgia-bait, this is the kind of movie that I found myself invigorated by the entire way through.

There is little I can complain about here, as the only issue I had with the movie at all being a few brief shaky cam moments that were a little jarring compared to the slick cinematography found throughout the rest of the movie. I love the way this movie lingers on its characters, giving the audience a feel for their surroundings, but never cluttering the frame with unnecessary images. There are quite a few long takes in this movie, including one great tracking shot that reminded me of both The Evil Dead and Antonioni's The Passenger.

I would have a hard time recommending this to a lot of people, but to people who like a nice throwback Twilight Zone/Outer Limits style story, this is about as good as you can get. There aren't many movies out there that feel like this, and I loved every minute of it.


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