Saturday, June 6, 2020

A few words on The Invisible Man (2020)

The Invisible Man, d. Leigh Whannell

With a title that is functionally a spoiler, and a main character who is 100% correct about everything the entire movie, there's a sort of suspense-less nature to this movie that doesn't make it infuriating (as I'm sure was the intention) but rather quite dull. There's little sense of true tension to be found here, but that doesn't mean it's all bad.

Elisabeth Moss, as could be expected from anyone who's ever seen her in anything, does a pretty great job playing the emotionally frazzled lead, with her biggest issues coming down to the writing as opposed to the acting itself. The filmmaking is slick and efficient, although I found the use of terror chords and bombastic music a little much.

This is pretty much exactly what I expected, and I liked it about as much as I thought I would. It's just okay.


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