Monday, May 25, 2020

A few words on The Lodge (2020)

The Lodge, d. Veronika Franz & Severin Fiala

Watching early trailers for this movie, I can say I knew exactly what to expect from a horror movie that seemed to have shades of The Shining, The Innocents, and Hereditary, but just because something shares similarities to others doesn't invalidate it's own accomplishments. The Lodge, for all it's shared concepts, is an effective, well-scripted, and thoroughly engrossing horror film.

The performances don't reach the highs of the leads in the aforementioned movies, but they are strong enough. There aren't many creepy and horrific moments, but the ones that hit manage to hit pretty hard and leave a big impact. The character motivations, which I could see people making complaints about, actually do add up, and work within the context of the story. There really aren't many issues I have with this movie.

It's not likely to blow your mind, but as a moody, atmospheric, and subdued character-driven horror film it's definitely one of the better ones of the past few years.


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