Monday, May 25, 2020

A few words on Fantasy Island (2020)

Fantasy Island, d. Jeff Wadlow

Believe it or not, when I first saw trailers for this movie, part of me was kind of excited. That is, until I realized it was a Blumhouse production. And for the most part, I weirdly did enjoy this crappy movie, but that Blumhouse kept creeping through, and the results were so scattershot and poorly-conceived that I could legitimately never recommend it to anyone.

Making a horror version of the TV series Fantasy Island does have some potential, but this movie doesn't really fully embrace horror until it decides it's become too boring for people. It winds up feeling like Gilligan's Westworld half the time, but with the Monkey's Paw type twist that never really pays off in any significant way.

Michael Pena looks bored, and the rest of the cast is as weak as you might expect, with only a handful of decent scenes throughout. But the randomness offered by the screenplay gave me enough to be at least mildly amusing up until the final twist, which only served to cheapen the entire movie and make a good deal of moments leading up to it just straight up make no sense at all.

I didn't hate it as much as everyone else seemed to, but I can totally understand why some people are calling it one of the worst movies of the past year.


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