Tuesday, October 31, 2017

200 Items Or Less: Necronomicon (1993)

A few thoughts: Horror anthologies are almost by definition a bit of a mixed bag of half-baked ideas and uneven execution, and seeing as how the 1990s saw a sort of lull in classic horror movies, I definitely went into this one with lowered expectations. To say I was pleasantly surprised would be a huge understatement, because I thought this movie was pretty awesome. Not all of the makeup is the greatest on everyone, but a majority of the effects in key scenes are done really well, with a ton of cool variety in strange and disgusting moments that managed to actually shock and disturb me -- to an extent. With three self-contained segments and one wraparound story involving Jeffrey Combs (playing H.P. Lovecraft), none of these parts is weak at all, and each of them provide a unique and visually awesome story, with melting human bodies, giant shape-shifting octopus monsters, and other cool and creepy concepts. Maybe this isn't a game-changer, but for pure horror entertainment, this is pretty great stuff.

Who would I recommend it to? Anyone who wants to see some really cool Lovecraft shorts adapted well into film. It's gooey, gory, and disgustingly wonderful.

My grade: A-

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