Monday, May 21, 2018

200 Items Or Less: The Old Dark House (1963)

A few thoughts: An unfortunate misfire from one of my favorite horror directors (William Castle) and my favorite horror studio (Hammer). Where do I start with this movie? I guess with the acting. Pretty much everyone in the cast didn't seem to know what the hell they were doing -- with the exception of Robert Morley, who actually got a few laughs out of me. Tom Poston, in particular, seemed like a very poor casting choice, too self-aware and "comedic", while still never being even remotely funny. This was a strange horror comedy that had potential to be actually funny, but instead drowned in its weak attempts at slapstick and wackiness. It was very awkward. The murder mystery part of the story was also pretty easy to figure out, rounding out a pretty feeble script and ending in a predictably unsatisfying sort of way. Again, I really enjoyed Robert Morley's performance, and the set-up was a nice difference from the 1932 James Whale adaptation, but this loose remake is really unnecessary and actually less funny than the original -- which ironically wasn't even fully trying to be a comedy. Go figure.

Who would I recommend it to? I simply wouldn't. It's one of Castle's weakest films as well as one of Hammer's. Maybe watch it if you're curious and bored. It's not painful, just inept and dull.

My grade: D

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