5. From Beyond (1986)

A mostly reserved performance, Combs still gets to crank up the craziness by the later half of the movie. This one lets him show off a lot of range.
4. The Frighteners (1996)

Combs is generally a pretty manic actor with a ton of eccentricities, but this performance kicks them into overdrive. It would've been lame with anyone else in the role, but he makes this over-the-top character wonderfully memorable.
3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1994-1999)

Though he technically appears as three different characters over the course of this series, the main one I praise him for is the one shown above: Weyoun. A slimy villain with tons of great dialogue, this role let Combs play it smooth, diplomatic, and quite devious.
2. Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005)

One of my all-time favorite Trek characters, I'm definitely biased when it comes to this one, but Combs' perfect balance of conflicting emotions and controlled outbursts help make this character so great. Multi-faceted and compelling, Shran never got enough face time, but he always made every moment count.
1. Re-Animator (1985)

Sort of like Frankenstein only even more psychotic and unafraid of buckets of gore, this is the performance that defined Combs' career. And what a calling card! He's the perfect blend of manic and cool, a mad scientist for the body horror/splatter era. He played Dr. Herbert West in three movies, but I'm just counting the first one here. It's all great either way.
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